Check out other inductees: (A to E) - (F to K) - (L to R)
Lyle Sanderson
Lloyd Saunders
Bob Sawatzky
Dwight Scheer
Ralph Schoenfeld
Ann Schulman
Chuck Sebestyen
Claude Seguin
Peter Semko
Peter Sereda
William (Bill) Seymour
Brian Shalovelo
Andy Sharpe
Jim Shirley
Jerry Shoemaker
Wes Smith
Bob Stayner
Don Steponchev
Gil Strumm
Jules Swick
Hugh Tait
Wayne Talbot
Ivan Tam
Kerry Tarasoff
Elva Taylor
Mark Tennant
Delisle Thompson
Sharon Tkachuk
Pat & Ken Turner
Bob Van Impe
Laurie Wachs
Ennis Waldner
Art Walecke
Ron Wallace
Irene Wallace
Ron Walsh
Randy Warick
Judy Warick
David Wassill
Jack Wells
Raymond Wight
Andy Wilson
Ross Wilson
Gord Wintermute
Jurgen Wittenberg
Bill Woronuik
Dale Yellowlees
Peter Zakreski
Joe Zeman
" Commitment to the team - there is no such thing as in-between, you are either in our out. " -- Pat Riley